Using this Resource

The Open GLAM Survey has been designed to support a range of uses and users, such as:

  • Anyone who wants to find cultural heritage and digital collections to reuse without having to pay image fees

  • Students of copyright law, the digital humanities, art and cultural heritage, and museum studies who want to identify the range of organisations that participate in open access

  • Researchers who want to use images or collections data, or undertake new research on the open GLAM movement and its trajectory to inform projects that can respond to the sector’s emerging issues and needs

  • Practitioners and GLAM organisations looking to design their own open access policy using examples of good practice at sector-specific, international, or national levels, particularly if jurisdictional issues are at play

  • Policymakers who want to find examples of good practice to reference or support

  • Funders who want to track open access practice and publications across grant recipients to ensure their funding requirements are met

You can download the dataset by clicking on the “Download Data” link on the Survey page. 

The survey is also recorded using Wikidata to facilitate data visualisations and SPARQL queries.

Terms of Use

The Open GLAM Survey and contents of the website are published under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. 

Version 1 of this resource was published as CC BY 4.0 (Attribution International). We recognise that for datasets, CC BY’s obligation on attribution can pose difficulties when the data is ingested or integrated with other data. Accordingly, release this version of the Open GLAM Survey under terms enabling its widest possible reuse. 

We make a non-binding request that you include following credit line when using the dataset, if possible:

Douglas McCarthy and Andrea Wallace, Open GLAM Survey, [website], CC0 1.0.

You can send us an email to let us know how you are using the data. This information helps us to secure funding for the ongoing work and website maintenance necessary to support the Survey. Feedback, corrections, and suggestions are also very welcome. 

Email us at:


Information in the Open GLAM Survey has been jointly authored for public reference and research purposes. 

While every effort is made to see that no inaccurate or misleading data appears herein, the authors and contributors accept no liability whatsoever for the consequences of any inaccurate or misleading data, opinions, or statements.

The Open GLAM Survey is not intended to be legal advice. When in doubt, you should always contact a legal expert for professional support.